Bringing it to life.


We are quickly wrapping up our first major mural project, and next week we’ll take steps towards starting three different new ones! Before we get there, though, we wanted to reflect a bit more on the process behind the first one.

As we began moving from the sketch into the actual mural design, we wanted to make sure we used reference photos that would make it easier for us to begin the rather daunting process of painting on a larger scale- something that was very new for many of the members of the group. Several of the Roc Paint Division-ers have enjoyed getting to take photographs of the process just as much as the painting, and we wanted them to have the chance to take the reference photos themselves and make them exactly what they wanted. Being in charge of the photo shoot– and continuing on to play pivotal roles in painting elements of the mural using their own photos- has  proved to be a powerful part of the project for Dezmir and Maribel.

The theme for our mural is growth, and the scenes in the mural depict young people in various stages of development. We elected to do the photo shoot at the Boys and Girls Club, where Dezmir, who’s grown up going there, knows just about everyone.   His close friendships made it easier for him to find kids who were the ages we were looking for, as well as a special opportunity for him.  “Dez did a great job finding the kids- I feel like they were just the right people for us,” Maribel said. The two worked together, along with staff photographer Lisa, to help the models into the poses the team had chosen for the process. “Making the people comfortable was easier with the younger kids,” Maribel added. The two presented the photos and relayed the overall experience with the team back at our headquarters, and narrowed it down to the shots that worked the best for the mural. Fast forward a few weeks, and those models are this close to seeing their likeness brought to life on the walls.

Check out Dezmir’s account of the photo shoot below.


Hey folks, this is Dezmir, back at it again with the blog for Roc Paint Division. On April 7th, 2016 we took a photo shoot for our Mural going inside of the Flint Street R-Center. In my opinion, it was a phenomenal experience because it was at a place that I grew up, The Boys & Girls Club, and our models were very willing to help us and pose for us. One of our models was my favorite club kid in the world and her name is Saniya, and she is a dancer at the club and when it was time to model for us it seemed so natural because she was so used to posing. My partner, Maribel, was great because she could interact with the younger models better because she was more gentle. It was amazing because all the different age groups of the models at first were nervous, and as time progressed they began to become more comfortable. As a photographer that was an advantage and I feel like we got some great shots that will be coming soon to all.




Both Dezmir and Maribel have taken lead roles on the parts of the mural that they helped to photograph- bringing it to life from start to finish. Dezmir has mentioned several times how special it is to get to paint someone that he knows and cares for so much. 




Our videographer Alex films Dezmir sharing the photos with the rest of the team. 



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